NCCCO Training & Certification
Prillaman’s Crane & Rigging, Inc. Understands and affirms the importance of impartiality in carrying out any activities relating to CCO certification.
Nccco-Approved Test Site and Training Provider
Prillaman’s Crane & Rigging, Inc. provides an NCCCO review and exam session monthly for mobile cranes and rigger and signal person certification for both new and recertification candidates.
Contact our training coordinator for our yearly schedule, quote, and more info:
Amanda Prillaman
(757) 871-8629 – Call or Text
NCCCO EOT testing room with desktop computers allows us to offer any NCCCO written exam.
NCCCO practical exam test site with the ability to offer the following practical exams:
- Mobile crane operator - telescopic fixed, telescopic swing, lattice
- Service truck crane operator
- Articulating crane operator
- Digger derrick operator
- Telehandler operator
- Signalperson
- Rigger 1
- Rigger 2